What if you knew you were going to be Satan’s next major target?
How do we know we are not his target? Why do we assume that Satan is not a threat to us? Why are we so careless in preparing ourselves
for the potential attacks that Satan could bring upon us? Are we so naïve as to think that he has not continued doing today what he has always done?
In Satan’s Toolbox, you’ll learn how dastardly Satan can be in his attacks on God’s people and God’s work.
Author: Greg Neal | Pages: 360 | Chapters: 38 | Format: Hardback
Chapter Titles
- A Biographical Sketch of Satan
- Satan’s Attack against the Church
- Characters in Satan’s Conspiracy
- Satan Wants You to Leave Your Church
- Satan’s Strategy for Inflicting Collateral Damage on the Church
- Satan’s Attack on Pastoral Authority
- Satanic Seeds
- Hero or Villain?
- The Résumé of a Scorner
- People Who Do Us Much Evil
- Messengers on a Mission
- Remember Joseph
- Satan’s Cyberstalkers: Spiritual Cyberbullies
- Satan’s Cyberstalkers: About Their Father’s Business
- A Few Facebook Friends to Delete
- The Injustice of Internet Justice
- Twelve Tips for Conquering Gossip and False Accusations
- Consider Job
- Miserable Comforters.
- Those Who Know Us Most May Not Know Us Best
- Ahithophel: The Friend Who Became a Foe
- Lessons from the Life of Ahithophel
- Shimei: A Thrower of Stones
- David’s Principles for Revenge
- Family Matters
- Dear Loved One
- Troublemakers in the Church
- Absalom: A Disloyal Staff Member
- Dealing with the Modern-Day Diotrephes
- Dedicated or Deserting Deacons?
- The Wiles of the Devil
- Scriptural Manipulation: Where Sin Begins
- Truth Manipulation: Lies and Accusations
- Mental Manipulation: The Envy of Saul
- Church Manipulation: Sowing Discord
- Withstanding in the Evil Day
- Satan’s Attack on Jesus
- Satan Cannot Win, But We Can Lose